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Showing results 104 to 123 of 1477 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Back-to-station report on USAID Peanut CRSP Project visit to University of Georgia, U. S. A.Komlaga, G. A.2012Technical Report
Back-up power supply to traffic lighting system by means of solar energyMintah, P. O.2012Thesis
Bacteriological quality of urban waste water used in irrigation of vegetables and on the vegetable lettuce (Lactuca Satavi)Gblende, E. A.2013Thesis
Bambara marketing margins analysisQuaye, W.; Johnson-Kanda, I.2004Technical Report
Bambara marketing margins analysis in GhanaQuaye, W.; Yawson, I.; Plahar, W. A.2009Article
Barriers hindering the development and implementation of verification programmes at some selected pineapple juice processing companies in GhanaAckah, N. B.; Hagelaar, G.; Kirezieva, K. K.; Atikpo, M. O.; Andoh, A. H.2014Other
Barriers hindering the development and implementation of verification programmes at some selected pineapple juice processing companies in GhanaAckah, N. B.; Hagelaar, G.; Kirezieva, K. K.; Atikpo, M. O.; Andoh, A. H.2014Article
Baseline audit of the food safety and quality management systems of thirteen micro-small and medium scale food manufacturing companies in Accra and TemaJohnson, P. N. T.; Quaye, E.; Essel, K.; Atupra, F.; Gayin, J.; Feglo, P.; Asare-Tweneboah, N.2003Other
Baseline socio-economic studies on 1989 pilot villages: Mangotsonya and AyetepaLokko, P.1989Technical Report
Baseline socio-economic studies on 1990 pilot villages: Tema U-Compound and NunguaLokko, P.1990Technical Report
Baseline socio-economic studies on 1991 pilot villages: New Galilea and AmanfroLokko, P.; Dake, F.1991Technical Report
Baseline socio-economic studies on 1992 pilot village: LangmaLokko, P.; Anson, S.1992Technical Report
Baseline socio-economic studies on 1993 pilot village: GbegbeiseLokko, P.; Anson, S.1993Technical Report
Baseline socio-economic studies on Chemuse: 1994 pilot fishing areaLokko, P.; Anson, S.1994Technical Report
Baseline socioeconomic studies of New Ningo: 1997 pilot fishing villageLokko, P.; Anson, S.1997Technical Report
Baseline studies of some fishing communities in Ghana: a comparative assessmentLokko, P.; Anson, S.2002Article
Baseline studies on postharvest technology of Abia: a pilot fishing village chosen for 1996 training courseLokko, P.; Anson, S.1996Technical Report
Baseline survey of city vegetable gardening in Greater AccraBlay, E. T.; Monney, E. O.; Gaveh, E.; Adu-Amankwa, P.2006Article
Basic processing science with respect to cassava processing into gari and standards and quality parameters of gariLaryea-Brown, S. A.; Anderson, C. N.1980Technical Report
Batch culture production of kenkey starter culture using malted maize as substrateAmoa-Awua, W. K.; Anlobe, J.1999Technical Report