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Showing results 720 to 739 of 1477 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Kendall`s concordance analysis of sensory descriptors influencing consumer preference for sweet potatoes in GhanaSugri, I.; Nutsugah, S. K.; Wiredu, A. N.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Aduguba, D.2012Article
Kenkey production, vending and consumption practices in GhanaObodai, M.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Ofori, H.; Annan, T.; Mestres, C.; Pallet, D.2014Article
Kenkey: an African fermented maize productHalm, M.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Jakobsen, M.2004Other
Kenkey: background information and literature reviewAmoa-Awua, W. K.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2010Technical Report
Kinetics of moisture absorption by plantain flourJohnson, P. N. T.; Brennan, J. G.2000Article
Kinetics of β-Carotene Breakdown and Moisture Sorption Behavior of Yellow Cassava Flour during StorageAkonor, P. T.; Osei Tutu, O.; Affrifah, N. S.; Budu, A. S.; Saalia, F. K.2023Article
Know your yams: a manual on some Ghanaian yamsTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Lactic acid bacteria in fermenting maize doughChristian, W. F. K.1970Article
Lactic acid fermentation of cassava dough into agbelimaAmoa-Awua, W. K.; Appoh, F. E.; Jakobsen, M.1996Article
Lactic acid tolerance determined by measurement of intracellular pH of single cells of Candida krusei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from fermented maize doughHalm, M.; Hornbaek, T.; Arneborg, N.; Sefa-Dedeh, S.; Jespersen, L.2004Article
Lactobacillus garii sp. nov., isolated from a fermented cassava productDiaz, M.; Sayavedra, L.; Atter, A.; Mayer, M. J.; Saha, S.; Amoa-Awua, W.; Narbad, A.2020Article
Lactobacillus ghanensis sp. nov. a motile lactic acid bacterium isolated from Ghanaian cocoa fermentationsNielsen, D. S.; Schillinger, U.; Franz, C. M. A. P.; Bresciani, J.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Holzapfel, W. H.; Jakobsen, M.2007Article
Let's adopt and implement the draft national food safety policyAndoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.; Abbey, L. D.2015Other
The level of tocopherol in Ghanaian oilsAta, J. K. B. A.; Cobbina, A.1973Article
Levels of aflatoxin and heavy metal containants in two non-alcoholic beverages, Asaana and Nmedaa, and two alcoholic beverages, Burukutu and Pito, produced by the informal sector in GhanaOsei, C. B.2020Thesis
Lifestyle nutritional survey report: Krachi, Sekyere East, West Gonja and Yendi DistrictNti, C. A.; Plahar, W. A.; Quaye, W.; Dzomeku, M.2004Other
Livelihoods in the Kumasi peri-urban interface (KPUI)Vowotor, K. A.2005Other
The lobster, shrimp and prawn industry in Ghana: species, ecology, fishing and landing sites, handling and exportEntsua-Mensah, M.; deGraft-Johnson, K. A. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Abbey, L. D.2002Technical Report
Location of seed spoilage in mango fruit using X-ray imaging and convolutional neural networksAnsah, F. A.; Amo- Boateng, M; Siabi, E. K.; Bordoh, P. K.2023Article
Main traditional food uses of cassava in GhanaAndah, A.1983Technical Report