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Title: Survey on postharvest practices and constraints in rice in the Ketu-North District
Authors: Amuzu, A. M.
Keywords: Rice;Postharvest losses;Postharvest activities;Ghana
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: University of Ghana, Legon
Abstract: A survey was carried out at Afife Irrigation Development Authority in the Ketu North District of the Volta Region using a semi-structured questionnaire. The study was meant to obtain information on rice post harvest practices such as harvesting, drying, milling, storage and constraints faced by rice processors. In all a total of 50 processors' were interviewed. Data on the following parameters were taken; the equipment used for harvesting, methods used in threshing, drying and storage as well as customers perception on grain homogeneity, cleanliness and operating capacity of mills. The data was analyzed using SPSS and the results showed that rice processors were using improper and unscientific methods of post harvest operations and faced with major challenges in financial support and technical problems
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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