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dc.contributor.authorDzomeku, M.-
dc.contributor.authorNarh Mensah, D. L.-
dc.contributor.authorObodai, M.-
dc.contributor.authorPrempeh, J.-
dc.contributor.authorTakli, R. K.-
dc.contributor.authorKomlaga, G. A.-
dc.contributor.authorDziedzoave, N. T.-
dc.contributor.authorSonnenberg, A.-
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, New Delhi, India, 19-22 November, 280-285en_US
dc.description.abstractMushrooms are fast becoming important components of diets worldwide and it is necessary to find out appropriate substrates on which they can be grown. Eight strains of two mushrooms: Pleurotus ostreatus strain MES11797, 03416, 03772, 03364,03216 and Lentinula edodes strain MES 02008, 02052, 12060 were cultivated on substrate formulated from cassava and yam wastes such as Cassava peels, Cassava sticks and Yam peels. Sawdust of Triplochitons cleroxylon, which has been the traditional substrate for the cultivation of Pleurotus spp. in Ghana was used as the control substrate. Cassava peels agar supported the best growth for four Pleurotus spp. (MES 11797, MES 03772, MES 03216 and MES 03416) and one Lentinula strain (MES 12060). Yam peels however, support the best growth for Pleurotus strain MES 03364. Cassava sticks supported the best growth for Lentinula strain MES 02008. Sawdust supported the best growth for Lentinula strain MES 02052en_US
dc.publisherWorld Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Productsen_US
dc.subjectMushroom, yielden_US
dc.titleVegetative growth of different strains of pleurotus and lentinula species on cassava (Manihot esculenta) and (Dioscorea rotundata) wastes in Ghanaen_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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