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dc.contributor.authorAkonor, P. T.-
dc.contributor.authorAtter, A.-
dc.contributor.authorOduro-Yeboah, C.-
dc.contributor.authorMireku Essel, E.-
dc.contributor.authorOfori, J.-
dc.description.abstractThe training workshop was organized in 2 modules, which involved theory and practical. The theory module was essentially to orient them and introduce them to the basics of food processing, food safety and good manufacturing practices. This session was made interactive and participatory, with ample time being allowed for questions, comments and general discussions. This approach is key in linking and relating indigenous knowledge in food processing to proven scientific and professional food processing technologies.en
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen
dc.subjectFruit juiceen
dc.subjectFruit processingen
dc.subjectSmall and medium companiesen
dc.titleA report on training in fruit juice processing for micro and small scale food companiesen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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