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dc.contributor.authorAmoa-Awua, W. K.-
dc.contributor.authorKpodo, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorVowotor, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAtikpo, M. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGyato, C.-
dc.contributor.authorGayin, J.-
dc.contributor.authorTortoe, C.-
dc.contributor.authorAnyebuno, G. A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorOduro-Yeboah, C.-
dc.contributor.authorBaidoo, E. A.-
dc.contributor.authorSampare, A. S.-
dc.description.abstractA six week training programme was conducted for the Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group from Yagaba of the West Mamprusi district. The Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group was one of the eleven (11) groups, CSIR-FoodResearch Institute trained. This training was part of the consultancy services the Food Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research was tasked to perform for MiDA. The training was on the development of business capacity and some of the topics taught were MCA Ghana Program - economic growth and poverty reduction, FBOs, rural development and commercialization, Business vision through a value chain lens, a short primer on producer organization principles, developing business expansion strategies, developing the action Agenda, driving the organization change and action business plan. A training needs assessment of the group was conducted in the first week to identify the lapses in the farmers' knowledge. The objective of the commercial development of farmer based organization was to change the mindset of farmers so that they see farming as a business rather than a way of life. The Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group consists of thirty nine (39) members made up of twenty six (26) males and thirteen (13) females. The training venue for week one was carried out Yagaba R/CJSS.Subsequent trainings will be held at the World Vision Primary School, Yagaba. The training affected the harvesting activities of the farmers. Dr (Mrs) Mary Obodai was the trainer for the Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group and was assisted by an interpreter Mr Alhassan Abudu and replaced later by Mr Maleo Joseph Dadoo. The content of the modules was very comprehensive. The farmers were motivated to attend the training because of the information they had from previous trained farmers from Loagri No. 1. The farmers were confident that they would gain knowledge through the training and also access credit. The farmers appreciated the knowledge gained and were thankful for the training on commercialization of their farming activities because they agreed that it will help increase their production and profitability.en_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectFarmers organizationsen_US
dc.subjectFarmer based organizationen_US
dc.titleReport on stage one training and training related activities of the fourth set of FBOS trained by CSIR-Food Research Institute comprising 11 FBOS in the West Mamprusi districten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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