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Title: The application of HACCP principles to evaluate quality and aflatoxin levels in the handling of postharvest maize in Ghana
Authors: Sablah, M.
Sefa-Dedeh, S.
Zagre, N. M.
Amoa-Awua, W. K.
Keywords: HACCP;Ghana;Aflatoxins;Postharvest losses;Maize
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: This research provided a top-down management driven mechanism through HACCP principles for measuring quality indices and monitoring safety of the maize post harvest system in Ghana through the identification of critical control points and the utilization of critical legal limits for the evaluation of maize quality and safety. Major subsystems of maize handling; processing, storage and marketing were assessed through interviews and laboratory analyses. The human, environmental and micro-biological factors accounting for quality variations through-out the maize post harvest system were evaluated. Storage and the point of drying were identified as key critical point and aflatoxin which is the most significant public health hazard associated with poor post harvest handling of maize was identified to be highest during storage
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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