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Title: Commercialisation of the technology for the production of palm pulp powder for making soup: business plan
Authors: Amoa-Awua, W. K.
Keywords: Soups;Commercialisation;Business plan;Ghana;Palm pulp powder;Production
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: The Food Research Institute (FRI) is one of the affiliate institutes and centres of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and is mandated to conduct applied research into problems of food processing and preservation, storage, marketing, distribution and utilisation, in support of the food industry and also to advise the Government of Ghana on its food policy. The Institute focuses on providing scientific and technological support to the growth of the food and agricultural sectors of the national economy by conducting market oriented applied research and providing technical services and products to the private sector and other stakeholders. Over the years, FRI has developed several technologies some of which have been successfully transferred to entrepreneurs and private individuals. One useful technology which was developed several years ago by the Institute was palm pulp powder, a dehydrated product from palm fruits which can be used as a base for making palm soup. This innovative product was developed because the process of preparing palm soup in the kitchen is laborious and time consuming. Unfortunately due to some technical problems, including breakdown of equipment, the technology could not be transferred to the Ghanaian food industry at the time even though a leading multi-national company expressed interest in the technology. Using palm pulp powder in the kitchen to prepare palm soup eliminates the drudgery associated with preparing palm and also shortens the process considerably and will be especially beneficial to working ladies. The goal of the proposed project is to succeed in transferring the technology for the production of palm pulp powder from the laboratory bench to the Ghanaian food industry so that the product can be available to consumers in supermarkets and other shops. Successful transfer of the technology for the production of such an innovative and catchy product will demonstrate the capability of Ghanaian research institutions to contribute meaningfully to the development of the economy of Ghana. It will also establish a direct link from the scientist working in the laboratory to the targeted end user of the efforts of the scientist, the private sector. This will serve to raise the confidence of the Ghanaian entrepreneur and the general public in the scientist whose work is supported by the government through public funds. A scheme will be established for transferring the technology from the Food Research Institute to industry/entrepreneur which will ensure that the Food Research Institute will continually gain from the exploitation of the technology at the industrial level. In essence FRI will have a share in the profits accruing to the company and this will go to support research activities at the institute in line with Ghana Government's policy of commercialisation of research
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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