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dc.contributor.authorAmoa-Awua, W. K.-
dc.contributor.authorKpodo, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorVowotor, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAtikpo, M. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGyato, C.-
dc.contributor.authorGayin, J.-
dc.contributor.authorTortoe, C.-
dc.contributor.authorAnyebuno, G. A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorOduro-Yeboah, C.-
dc.contributor.authorBaidoo, E. A.-
dc.contributor.authorSampare, A. S.-
dc.description.abstractThe CSIR-Food Research Institute was contracted as a Training Service Provider by MiDA to train 10 Farmer Based Organizations in the West Mamprusi District of the Northern Region of Ghana. The six week Stage 1 Training in Business Capacity Building was to have been carried out in August 2009 but had to be postponed due to heavy rains which rendered most of the roads in that part of the District unmotorable. Training finally started on 7th December 2009 and will end on 20th January 2010. Majority of farmers participated in the program to access credit for their farming activities as well as access markets for their farm produce. They were motivated to attend the training because of information they had from other groups who had been trained and also from MOFA staffen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectFarmers based organizationsen_US
dc.subjectFarmer organizationsen_US
dc.subjectTraining programmesen_US
dc.titleReport on training and training related activities for designated FBOS in West Mamprusi district for late phase 2 stage 1 (T3 S1) from 7th December 2009 to 20th January 2010en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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