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Title: Proximate and mineral composition of selected yam cultivars grown in Ghana
Authors: Ankrah, D.
Amey, N. K.
Keywords: Proximate composition;Mineral composition;Yam;Ghana
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: This study evaluated the proximate and mineral composition of 23 yam cultivars (Dioscorea spp). The samples were bought from Konkomba yam market, Makola, Madina and Malamata markets all based in Accra in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. The following parameters were determined for each cultivar: moisture, fat, protein, ash, crude fiber, starch, carbohydrate, energy, phosphorus, calcium and iron. The samples were found to be sources of carbohydrate and energy but very poor source of fat. The samples were also found to have high crude fibre (1.83-2.24g/lOOg) and calcium (6.30-30.50 mg/lOOg) contents. Compositions were in the following ranges: moisture (50.20-72.0 g/lOOg); ash (0.90-1.60 g/lOOg);fat (0.16-0.31g/lOOg); protein (1.60-4.20g/100g); starch (6.00-26.1g/lOOg); iron (0.50-1.30 mg/IOOg) and phosphorous (3.70-29.20mg/lOOg)
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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