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dc.contributor.authorKrampa, L.-
dc.contributor.authorDziedzoave, N. T.-
dc.contributor.authorFaisidey, P.-
dc.contributor.authorAduko, M.-
dc.contributor.authorDorkenoo, M.-
dc.description.abstractIn order to disseminate information on the potentials of cassava as an industrial commodity, five awareness seminars were organised in five communities - Bantama, Gariderma, Old Kokrompe, Parambo/Sawaba and Akokoa - where cassava production is high. A total of 453 persons comprising 297 males and 156 females attended the seminars. The highest attendance was at Bantama (133) whilst the lowest attendance was at Old Kokrompe (73). The focus of the information disseminated was the production of high quality cassava flour, for use in pastry products as well as in the production of glucose syrup, paper board and plywood adhesives. The resource persons included Lawrence Krampa, Peter Fiasidey, Martin Aduko, and Mawuko Dorkeno all of MoFA; Nanam Dziedzoave (FRI) and Mrs. Gladys Wilson, a professional baker based in Atebubu. After presentations by the resource persons, participants were given the opportunity to taste samples of cassava flour-based bakery products and glucose syrup and to ask questions. The resource persons responded to the questions. Participants were generally excited by the opportunities presented to them on the potentials of cassava but were concerned about how to get adequate training, access markets for the products and also get loans to expand their farms and businesses. The meeting with the bakers revealed that there was a realisation of the need to increase the use of the HQCF in order to increase their profits since the rising cost of wheat flour was gradually eroding their profitsen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectBakery productsen_US
dc.subjectCassava flouren_US
dc.subjectAwareness creationen_US
dc.titleAwareness creation on the uses of high quality cassava flour and follow-up meetings with trained bakers and confectioners in Atebubu and Sene districts of Brong Ahafo regionen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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