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dc.contributor.authorEssel, K. K.-
dc.description.abstractSoil samples were analyzed for minor elements and major oxides from selected districts in Upper East Region. The results indicated that vanadium, chromium and cobalt were higher in concentrations. They were found to contain 88ppm of vanadium, 695ppm of chromium and 24ppm respectively in the Kassena-Nankana district. In Paga, high levels of zinc (l80.7ppm), and nickel (35.07) respectively were recorded. In Bolga, copper (Cu), Yttrium (Y), tin (Sn), cesium (Cs) and rubidium were found to contain 35.4ppm 17.5ppm, 4.9ppm and llppm respectively. Lanthanum was also found to be 24.5ppm. In Bongo, barium was found to be 2150ppm and was the highest. With the major oxides, Kassana-Nankana was observed to have a concentrations of 2.2515% Na20, 2.6% MgO and 4.74% Fe202 as the highest. Bongo registered 12.8%. Ah03, 0.44% S03, 0.04% CI and 4.42% K20 as the highest. In Paga, 0.68% P20S, 4.0033% CaO, 0.83% Ti02 and 0.3467% MgO were observed to have high concentrations. Loss on ignition (L.O.I.) was high in Paga with 27.77% and low in Sandema with 18.17%en_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectTrace elementsen_US
dc.subjectTerrestrial environmenten_US
dc.titleComparative analysis of trace elements in geomedia in the terrestrial environments of selected ecosystemsen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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