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Title: Nutritional status and pasting properties of recommended sorghum varieties
Authors: Gayin, J.
Keywords: Nutritional status;Pasting properties;Sorghum;Ghana
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: Seven sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) varieties Mankaraga, Kapaala, NSV 1, NSV 2, Naga White, Kadaga and Local 29 were characterised by their nutritional and anti-nutritional properties and their pasting characteristics. Proximate analysis showed NSV 1 as the variety with the highest protein and mineral content giving the indication that it may be suitable for infant food formulation. Kapaala and Naga White could also be useful for malting and brewing trials due to their relatively low protein content but high carbohydrate levels. Levels of tannins were relatively low for all the varieties except Kadaga, which had high tannin content. The pasting temperature were high for all the varieties (76.5ᵒC - 87.0ᵒC). Mankaraga had the highest peak, hot paste and cold paste viscosities. Naga White also showed high paste stabilities and viscosities. As such they may be useful for the preparation of traditional thick porridge, tuo. NSV 2, Local 29 and Kadaga may also be processed into thin porridge, koko or other products such as fula ans basi
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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