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dc.contributor.authorGayin, J.-
dc.contributor.authorManful, J. T.-
dc.contributor.authorToku, P. M.-
dc.description.abstractSome identified land races of sorghum suspected to have similar brewing properties to Kapaala were studied for their malting characteristics. They were Frafra, Yaakpaaji, Mankaraga, Kapaala, SBL9-E8, Sarsorg-M16, SBL2-Sarsorg-E11 and Belkowige. Their physical and chemical qualities and germination capacities were determined. The level of malt ἀ-amylase activity was also assessed. The moisture contents of all the samples fell within the desired range of 9.0%-11.0% for whole sorghum brewing. Weevil damaged kernels were detected in four of the samples. YAAKPAAJI, MANKARAGA and SBL2SARSORG-E11 had greater weevil damaged kernels than the desired range of <2%. SBL2SARSRG-E11 had the biggest grain size with BELKO WIGE having the least. The total nitrogen levels found were between 1.68% and 2.18%. For most of the varieties the various forms of aflatoxins were not detected. The Frafra, Yaakpaaji and Mankaraga varieties did not show encouraging germination counts and alpha-amylase activity. The high values of germination and ἀ-amylase indicate that all the "Sarsorg" varieties are comparable to Kapaala in terms of malting properties. However it is recommended these three "Sarsorg" varieties go through further analysis to ascertain their mashing and brewwing potentialsen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectPhysical propertiesen_US
dc.subjectChemical propertiesen_US
dc.titleBrewing and malting characteristics of selected sorghum varieties from Northern Ghanaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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