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Title: Report on high-tech food processing technology course for developing countries held in Beijing, China
Authors: Komlaga, G. A.
Keywords: Food processing;Training course;Developing countries
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: The training course in high-tech food processing technology was arranged and sponsored by Ministry of Commerce of the P.R. of China for developing countries. The course started on the November 17,2006 and ended on December 15,2006. The programme was organized by BFRI. Thirty-one (31) participants from twenty-two (22) countries participated. The countries which participated were as follows; Ghana, Liberia, Zambia, Peru, Fijii, Seychelles, Greneda, Guyana, Tonga, Philippines, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Syria, Serbia, Tanzania, Lesotho, Mauritania, Oman, Ethiopia, Chile and Cuba. Participants were taken through special topics on modem (high technology) food processing tecchnologies in the classroom and visited some top food processing industries to observe modem processing technologies
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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