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dc.contributor.authorTortoe, C.-
dc.contributor.authorObodai, M.-
dc.contributor.authorOwusu, M.-
dc.contributor.authorAkonor, P. T.-
dc.contributor.authorOfori, E.-
dc.description.abstractThrough the AuthorAID initiative, a train-the-trainer workshop was organized for selected research scientists to equip them with the skills and tools to enable them write and present well-argued scientific papers. With the hope of institutionalizing AuthorAID training in scientific writing in research organizations, these research scientists are tasked with training other researchers (scientists and technologists) in their institutes/organizations. This training workshop was therefore geared towards embedding AuthorAID Research Writing in CSIR-Food Research Institute. The 3-day training was aimed at improving the skill and strengthening the capacity of research scientists and technologists of CSIR-FRI to disseminate scientific and technical information through writing and journal publicationsen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectScientific writingen_US
dc.subjectResearch writingen_US
dc.subjectResearch scientistsen_US
dc.titleReport on the research writing training workshop for research scientists and technologists held at CSIR-Food Research Institute on 20th - 22nd April 2015en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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