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Title: Effect of flour types and flour concentrations on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of an indigenous senescent plantain cake (ofam)
Authors: Adi, D. D.
Oduro, I. N.
Tortoe, C.
Keywords: Senescent plantain;Ofam;Batter;Physicochemical;Sensory
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Academic Journals
Citation: African Journal of Food Science, 15 (5), 190-202
Abstract: Ofam is a Ghanaian indigenous cakelike product made mainly from senescent plantain and local flours from cereal, grain and/or tuber sources. The effect of three flour types (steeped corn flour (SCF), roasted corn flour (RCF) and kokonte flour (KF)) and flour concentrations (20, 17.5, 15, 12.5 and 10%) on the physicochemical characteristics and sensory acceptability ofam was investigated. Parameters such as moisture, pH, total soluble solids (TSS), viscosity, colour and texture profile were measured using standard methods. A 50-member untrained panelist was used to conduct a sensory acceptability test using a 9-point hedonic scale. Ofam batter were characterised by high moisture content (ranging from 52.7 to 55.1%), pH (ranging from 5.4 to 5.5), TSS (ranging from 2.30 to 2.62) and a dark colouration (L-value ranging from 30.39 to 45.55). The flour type and concentration affected the viscosity of the batter which also influenced the hardness of ofam. RCF ofam was the hardest (1541.49 g Force) while KF ofam was the softest (966.79 g Force). Generally, RCF ofam was the most preferred (7.0) whilst KF of was the least preferred (6.68). Also, ofam with flour inclusion of 15% was also the most preferred (7.89) while products with 20% flour inclusion were the least preferred (6.47). This would form the basis for the standardisation of the product and formulation of a convenient powder mix suitable for ofam
ISSN: 1996-0794
Journal Name: African Journal of Food Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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