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Title: Priority traditional leafy vegetables in the dry savannah ecozone of Ghana
Authors: Clottey, V. A.
Gyasi, K. O.
Johnson, P. N. T.
Kombiok, J. M.
Keywords: Ghana;Green leafy vegetables;Leafy vegetables
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Ghana Institute of Horticulturists
Citation: Ghana Journal of Horticulture, 6, 109-115
Abstract: This study identified priority traditional leafy vegetables (TLVs) in the dry ecozones of Ghana, their cropping systems and constraints to production. Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques were employed to collect quantitative and qualitative information on the traditional leafy vegetable production system in the three northernmost administrative regions of Ghana. Three TLVs - Amaranthus cruentus (talefu '), Corchorus olitorius ('ayoyo ') and Hibiscus sabdariffa, Roselle ('bra') - were identified as priority leafy vegetables that need promotion to address dietary improvement needs and poverty reduction, in general, as a result of their potential for commercialization in the dry Savannah ecological zone of Ghana. Constraints to their production include the lack of reliable sources of water for irrigation; lack of improved seeds; destruction by stray farm animals; non-availability of farm yard manure and non-affordability of inorganic fertilizer. Integration of TLV production with rural poultry production could ensure the availability of poultry manure for the production of TLVs. Seed preservation techniques need to be improved, while efforts should be made to promote in situ conservation of these species. The study also recommends research and development programs on TLV for sustainable production and utilization
ISSN: 0855-6350
Journal Name: Ghana Journal of Horticulture
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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