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Title: Physicochemical, proximate and sensory properties of organic side-stream pineapple (Ananas sp.) flour
Authors: Tortoe, C.
Johnson, P. N. T.
Slaghek, T.
Oduro-Yeboah, C.
Addo, P. A.
Nyarko, A.
Tamakloe, I.
Keywords: Physicochemical;Sensory properties;Organic side-stream;Pineapple;Flour;Proximate composition;Sugar loaf;Smooth cayenne
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Scientific & Academic Publishing
Citation: International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, 4 (1), 1-8
Abstract: Physicochemical, proximate and sensory properties of organic side-stream pineapple flour (OSPF) developed from three pineapple varieties were evaluated. The OSPF prepared from Sugar loaf had the highest moisture content (10.88) with a corresponding water activity (0.42).Colour changes for OSPF within the three varieties were significant (P < 0.05) for L*, a* and b*. A more positive a* value (5.93) was observed for Sugar loaf indicating browning had occurred. Sugar loaf had 7.1 - 15.0°Brix for 10 - 20% dilutions. Water Absorption Index (WAI) and Water Solubility Index (WSI) were in the ranges of 3.37 - 4.35 and 0.114 - 0.239, respectively. Swelling capacity of OSPF was more significant for Sugar loaf at 70°C (540%) and 30°C (491.20%) than MD2 and Smooth cayenne. Cake prepared from OSPF of Smooth cayenne recorded the highest overall acceptability when 3% flour was used, whereas MD2 had the highest when 6% flour was used. The OSPF of Smooth cayenne used at 15% in bread presented the highest overall acceptance. In both products the sensory properties of appearance, colour, aroma, taste, texture, crust, mouth feel and overall acceptance varied significantly (P < 0.05). Thus, cake and bread incorporated with OSPF was sensory acceptable
ISSN: 2166-5168
Journal Name: International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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