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Title: Influence of pretreatments and storage conditions of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schoot) on functional properties of its flours
Authors: Baidoo, E. A.
Johnson, P. N. T.
Budu, A. S.
Keywords: Taro;Storage;Flours;Colocasia esculenta
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Journal Of Root Crops, 36 (2), 257-261
Abstract: Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of pretreatment of taro prior to storage on functional properties of its flours. Taro tubers were pretreated in four ways: dipping in 2%w/v sodium chloride solution, 2%w/v sodium hypochlorite solution, 50% v/v ethanol and hot water blanching at 100°C and were either stored in a cold room (4-5°C) or ambient conditions (28±3°C) for three weeks. Flours were processed after treatment for assessment of swelling power,water binding capacity, peak viscosity and setback. These were repeated after the first, second and third weeks of storage. Flour processed from blanched taro showed the least swelling powers and the least peak viscosity and setback while flours from other treatments recorded comparable pasting properties. Taro stored in ambient conditions produced significantly high peak viscosity and setback values. Blanching may not be a substantive option for industrial application in taro post-harvest management because it may not achieve flours with very good dough characteristics
ISSN: 0378-2409
Journal Name: Journal Of Root Crops
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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