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dc.contributor.authorLokko, P.-
dc.contributor.authorAsibey-Berko, E.-
dc.contributor.authorNerquaye-Tetteh, G.-
dc.identifier.citationGhana Journal Of Science, 41, 43-48en_US
dc.description.abstractThe concentration of iodine in several commonly consumed Ghanaian fish was determined. This was done in order to recommend to the local populace local fish with high iodine content as part of the national effort to combat iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Fresh fish samples were analyzed for moisture and iodine by A.O.A.C. Official Methods of Analyses. ANOVA was used to analyze the data obtained. The iodine content ranged from 0.62 p,g!g to 4.09 p,g!g on fresh weight basis. In all, Round Sardine - Sardinella auritus, had the highest mean concentration of iodine of 4.09 p,g!g with Frigate Mackerel, - Auxis thazard having the lowest mean concentration of 0.62 p,/g. Iodine concentration in Chub/Spanish Mackerel- Scomber japonicus, Seabream - Deutex spp., Bumper- Chloroscombus chrysurus, Burrito- Brachydeuterus auritus, Round Sardines- Sardinella aurita and Shrimps - Penaeus notialis (2.07 p,g!g-4.09 p,g!g)were significantly higher (P 0.05) than concentration of iodine in Frigate Mackerel - Auxis thazard, Atlantic Horse Mackerel - Trachurus trachurus, Scad Mackerel - Caranx ronchus, Longfinned Herring - Ilisha africana (0.62 p,g!g-1.21 p,g!g). Round Sardines and Shrimps (4.09 p,g!g and 3.5 p,g!g, respectively, were significantly different from all the 12 othersen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectIodine contenten_US
dc.subjectMarine fishesen_US
dc.subjectGhanaian fishesen_US
dc.titleIodine content of marine fish in Ghanaen_US
dc.journalnameGhana Journal Of Science-
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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