Browsing by Author Andoh, A. H.

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Avoid bacteria in fresh-cut fruitsAndoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.2014Other
Barriers hindering the development and implementation of verification programmes at some selected pineapple juice processing companies in GhanaAckah, N. B.; Hagelaar, G.; Kirezieva, K. K.; Atikpo, M. O.; Andoh, A. H.2014Other
Barriers hindering the development and implementation of verification programmes at some selected pineapple juice processing companies in GhanaAckah, N. B.; Hagelaar, G.; Kirezieva, K. K.; Atikpo, M. O.; Andoh, A. H.2014Article
Escherichia coli removal in tropical Oligotrophic and Eutrophic lakesAnsa, E. D. O.; Andoh, A. H.; Ansa, G. A.; Adiyiah, J.; Acheampong, M. A.2013Article
Food safety: theme for this year's world health day - how safe are the foods we buy on the streets?Andoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.; Abbey, L. D.2015Other
Let's adopt and implement the draft national food safety policyAndoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.; Abbey, L. D.2015Other
Listeria monocytogenes at the food–human interface: A review of risk factors influencing transmission and consumer exposure in AfricaSibanda, T.; Ntuli, V.; Neetoo, S. H.; Habib, I.; Njage, P. M. K.; Parry- Hanson Kunadu, A.; Andoh, A. H.; Buys, E. M.2023Article
Microbiological profile of some Ghanaian herbal preparations: safety issues and implications for the health professionsAmpofo, J. A.; Andoh, A. H.; Tetteh, W.; Bello, M.2012Article
The need to avoid bacteria in freshly-cut fruitsAndoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.2014Other
The responses of Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to pulsed Ultra-volet light inactivationAndoh, A. H.; Banu, R. A.; Ansa, E. D. O.2016Article
A review of the mechanisms of faecal coliform removal from algal and duckweed waste stabilization pond systemsAnsa, E. D. O.; Awuah, E.; Andoh, A. H.; Banu, R.; Dorgbetor, W. H. K.; Lubberding, H. J.; Gijzen, H. J.2015Article
Sunlight inactivation of faecal coliforms in domestic wastewaterAnsa, E. D. O.; Andoh, A. H.; Nienu, P.; Banu, R.; Akrong, M.; Acheampong, M. A.; Adiyiah, J.2016Article
A survey of the microbial quality of some instant powdered beverages sold in Accra, GhanaAndoh, A. H.; Ackah, N. B.; Atter, A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Baisel, D. K.; Boham-Dako, M.; Appiah, A. H. K.2014Article