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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1496  next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
2021 report on the smallfish projectAtter, A.; Andoh-Odoom, A.; Ampah, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Owusu, M.2022Technical Report
The acceptability of five varieties of cassava for Ghanaian food uses based on their pasting characteristicsOduro-Yeboah, C.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Sakyi-Dawson, E. O.; Budu, A. S.2008Other
The acceptability of five varieties of cassava for local food uses based on pasting characteristicsOduro-Yeboah, C.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Sakyi-Dawson, E.; Budu, A. S.2008Technical Report
Acceptance of biotechnology and social-cultural implications in GhanaQuaye, W.; Yawson, I.; Yawson, R. M.; Williams, I. E.2009Article
Accreditation towards quality productsAbbey, L. D.; Andoh, A.2010Other
Achieving universal salt iodisation: Ghana National Strategy 11 - 2009-2011Glover-Amengor, M.2009Other
Achieving universal salt iodisation: Ghana National Strategy 11 - 2009-2011Glover-Amengor, M.2009Other
Acidification and starch behaviour during co-fermentation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and soybean (Glycine max Merr) into gari, an African fermented foodAfoakwa, E. O.; Kongor, J. E.; Annor, G. A.; Adjonu, R.2010Article
Action business plan for Bomanga maize farmers group, KuruguOduro-Yeboah, C.2010Other
Action business plan for Kpansim Manga farmers based organization (Goriba)Oduro-Yeboah, C.2009Other
Action business plan for Kunkwak Ajusiwon farmer based organizationAtikpo, M. O.2009Other
Action business plan for Kunkwak Asiatechaab farmer based organization, Kunkwak no, 1Atikpo, M. O.2010Other
Action business plan for Sunga Be Bio Farmers Group (Zua)Anyebuno, G. A. A.2009Other
Action business plan for Sunga Vella farmers group, Loagri No. 1Oduro-Yeboah, C.2009Other
Action business plan for Ti Sung Taaba Farmers Groups (Santa)0Anyebuno, G. A. A.2008Other
Action business plan for Tinin Kanya women group at Kpasenkpe, West Mamprusi district, Northern region, GhanaAtikpo, M. O.2010Other
Action business plan for Titakima Yelimangni Farmers Group (Mishio)Anyebuno, G. A. A.2009Other
Action business plan for Tizorilavi Women farmer-based organisation (Duu)Anyebuno, G. A. A.2010Other
Action business plan for Wahala farmer-based organisation (Gbiima)Anyebuno, G. A. A.2010Other
Activities in industrial processing of cassavaAndah, A.1983Technical Report