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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Assessment of quality characteristics of organic and conventional sugarloaf pineapples (Ananas comosus, ananas) under cold storageArthur, W.; Akonor, P. T.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Gyasi, L. C. B.; Essel, E. M.; Dowuona, J.2022Article
Chemical, microbial quality, and risk assessment due to toxic metal contamination of egusi (Citrullus colocynthis L.) powder sold in selected Ghanaian marketsArthur, W.; Ofori, J.; Addo, P.; Amey, N.; Kortei, N. K.; Akonor, P. T.2020Article
Competence of public Institutions in food safety control: a consumer perception survey in GhanaOmari, R.; Arthur, W.; Frempong, G. K.2018Article
Concentration of heavy metals and its risk assessments on Pseudotolithus senegalensis, Sciaenops ocellatus and Chloroscombrus chrysurus smoked on different ovensArthur, W.; Asiamah, E.; Dowuona, J.; Crabbe, G.; Kortei, N. K.2021Article
Consultancy report on training of agric extension officers on fruit juice processing held on 19th October 2021 at Ketu South Municipality, Department of AgricultureArthur, W.; Akonor, P. T.; Najah, T.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2021Other
Consultancy report on training of MOFA Agriculture college tutors on food processing, packaging and marketing technology at CSIR-Food Research InstituteOduro-Yeboah, C.; Komlaga, G. A.; Asiamah, E.; Najah, T.; Idun-Acquah, N. N.; Dowouna, J.; Andoh-Odoom, A. H.; Tawiah, E.; Arthur, W.; Mensah, D.; Dowouna, J.; Mireku Essel, E.; Amuzu, A.; Williams, S.2020Other
Consumer preference for rice and chicken meat from different originsOwusu, M.; Atter, A.; Arthur, W.; Boateng, C.; Padi, A.; Agbezudor, J.2018Other
Fish feed storage and handling practicesAtter, A.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Obeng, H.; Amponsah, S.; Arthur, W.; Tandoh, I.; Agyakwah, S. K.2017Other
Granular structure, physicochemical and rheological characteristics of starch from yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypesAkonor, P. T.; Osei Tutu, C.; Arthur, W.; Adjebeng-Danquah, J.; Affrifah, N. S.; Budu, A. S.; Saalia, F. K.2023Article
Handwashing knowledge, attitudes, and practices in GhanaOmari, R.; Zotor, F.; Baah-Tuahene, S.; Arthur, W.2022Article
Histamine levels in six species of processed finfishes from Ghanaian coastal watersAmponsah, S. K. K.; Nketia, S.; Arthur, W.; Tandoh, I.; Narh, D. L.; Kyei-Baffour, V.2017Technical Report
Manual for fruits juice and jam processingArthur, W.; Dowuona, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Najah, T.2021Other
Physicochemical and microstructural characteristics of Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) starchOsei Tutu, C.; Amissah, J. G. N.; Amissah, J. N.; Akonor, P. T.; Arthur, W.; Budu, A. S.; Saalia, F. K.2023Article
Physicochemical, shelf-life and sensory characteristics of conventional and organic sugar-loaf pineapples stored at two temperaturesOduro-Yeboah, C.; Addo, P.; Akonor, P. T.; Baffour, L. C.; Mireku Essel, E.; Arthur, W.; Ofori, J.; Boateng, C.2017Technical Report
Physiochemical and functional properties of plantain, cocoyam, yam flours and maize flour production using a drum dryerOduro-Yeboah, C.; Arthur, W.; Amponsah, S. K. K.; Sampare, A. S.; Yakubu, M.; Addo, P.; Dowuona, S.; Mensah, D.; Delabor, P.2017Technical Report
Proximate and physicochemical analysis on coconut copra fibre powderDowuona, J.; Arthur, W.2022Technical Report
Public perceptions and worry about food safety hazards and risks in GhanaOmari, R.; Frempong, G. K.; Arthur, W.2018Article
Report on business development training workshop for beneficiaries on mango production and processing held on 19th and 20th July, 2022 at MOFA Regional Conference hall, Savanna region, DamangoArthur, W.; Akonor, P. T.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2022Technical Report
Report on training of agric extension officers on fruits juice processing and soya milk production held on 11th and 12th August 2021 at North East regional department of agrivultureArthur, W.; Akonor, P. T.; Peget, F.; Brown, J. L.2021Other
Report on training of processors and agric extension officers on handling postharvest losses of watermelons, mangoes and pineapples held on 11th and 12th May 2021, at MOFA, Shai Osudoku District Assembly, Accra, GhanaArthur, W.; Akonor, P. T.; Najah, T.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2021Other