CSIRSpace CSIR Ghana Digital Repository
CSIRSpace is the Institutional Repository of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Ghana, an open access electronic archive collecting, preserving and distributing digital materials created, owned and hosted by the CSIR Ghana.
Browsing by Author Dass, M.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | Type |
Comparison of micronutrient Intervention strategies in Ghana and Benin to cover micronutrient needs: simulation of benefits and risks in women of reproductive age | Dass, M.; Nyako, J.; Tortoe, C.; Fanou-Fogny, N.; Nago, E.; Hounhouigan, J; Berger, J.; Wieringa, F.; Greffeuille, V. | 2021 | Article |
Micronutrient intake of children in Ghana and Benin: Estimated contribution of diet and nutrition programs | Greffeuille, V.; Dass, M.; Fanou-Fogny, N.; Nyarko, J.; Tortoe, C.; Berger, J.; Wieringa, F. | 2023 | Article |