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Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | Type |
Aflatoxin contamination of foods in West African countries | Kpodo, K. A.; Hald, B.; Jakobsen, M. | 2001 | Technical Report |
Aflatoxin contamination of maize, peanuts and their products in Accra, Ghana | Kpodo, K. A.; Allotey, E. A.; Antonio, S.; Anyebuno, G. A. A. | 2005 | Technical Report |
Analysis for proximate and mineral composition of foods: manual | Kpodo, K. A.; Amevor, W. K.; Ankrah, D.; Amey, N. K. | 2001 | Other |
Chemical, microbiological and sensory qualities of five varieties of groundnuts | Lokko, P.; Kpodo, K. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Adams, F. | 2004 | Technical Report |
Comparative moisture sorption, insect infestation and aflatoxin production by resident aspergillus flavus link spores in solar and sun dried cassava accessions before and after gamma irradiation | Banu, R. A.; Odamtten, G. T.; Kpodo, K. A. | 2008 | Article |
Cost effectiveness of selected postharvest pod handling techniques against damage, mouldiness and aflatoxin contamination of shelled groundnut in Ghana | Amoako-Attah, I.; Awuah, R. T.; Kpodo, K. A.; Fialor, S. C.; Jolly, C. M. | 2007 | Article |
Effect of heat, acid treatment and dehulling on aflatoxins in maize and maize products | Kpodo, K. A.; Appoh, F. E.; Jakobsen, M. | 1996 | Other |
Effect of heat, acid treatment and dehulling on aflatoxins in maize and maize products | Kpodo, K. A.; Allotey, E. A.; Antonio, S.; Appoh, F. | 1996 | Technical Report |
Effect of traditional storage on the quality of smoked anchovy (Anchoa guineensis) at Akplabanya | Plahar, W. A.; Nerquaye-Tetteh, G. A.; Hodari-Okae, M.; Kpodo, K. A. | 1993 | Technical Report |
Effect of traditional storage on the quality of smoked anchovy (Anchoa guineensis) at Tema Manhean | Plahar, W. A.; Nerquaye-Tetteh, G. A.; Hodari-Okae, M.; Kpodo, K. A. | 1992 | Technical Report |
Effects of extrusion variables and starch modification on the puffing characteristics of yam (Dioscorea alata) flour | Kpodo, K. A.; Plahar, W. A. | 1992 | Article |
Experiences in the application of HACCP to traditional food processing at a semi-commercial kenkey production plant in Accra, Ghana | Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Ngunjiri, P.; Anlobe, J.; Kpodo, K. A.; Halm, M.; Jakobsen, M. | 2004 | Technical Report |
Experiences with the use of a starter culture in the fermentation of maize for `kenkey` production in Ghana | Halm, M.; Osei-Yaw, A.; Hayford, A.; Kpodo, K. A.; Amoa-Awua, W. K. | 1996 | Article |
Exposure to fumonisms through kenkey: Ghanaian fermented maize product | Kpodo, K. A.; Ayernor, G. S.; Shephard, G. S.; Jakobsen, M. | 2006 | Book chapter |
Exposure to fumonsins through kenkey: a Ghanaian fermented maize product | Kpodo, K. A.; Ayernor, G. S.; Shephard, G. S.; Jakobsen, M. | 2006 | Other |
The extent of food adulteration and contamination in Ghana | Kpodo, K. A. | 1989 | Technical Report |
FBO training needs assessment for beneficiary FBOS in the northern intervantion zone (West Mamprusi district) | Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Kpodo, K. A.; Vowotor, K. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Gyato, C.; Gayin, J.; Tortoe, C.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Baidoo, E. A.; Sampare, A. S. | 2010 | Technical Report |
FBO training needs assessment for beneficiary FBOS in the northern intervention zone ( West Mamprusi 2) trained by CSIR-Food Research Institute | Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Kpodo, K. A.; Vowotor, K. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Gyato, C.; Gayin, J.; Tortoe, C.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Baidoo, E. A.; Sampare, A. S. | 2010 | Technical Report |
FBO training needs assessment for beneficiary FBOS in the northern intervention zone ( West Mamprusi and Savelugu Nanton districts) | Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Kpodo, K. A.; Vowotor, K. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Gyato, C.; Gayin, J.; Tortoe, C.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Baidoo, E. A. | 2009 | Technical Report |
FBO training needs assessment for beneficiary FBOS in the northern intervention zone ( West Mamprusi) | Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Kpodo, K. A.; Vowotor, K. A.; Atikpo, M. O.; Gyato, C.; Gayin, J.; Tortoe, C.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Baidoo, E. A.; Sampare, A. S. | 2010 | Technical Report |