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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Up-scaling Millet Grain Sourdough technology and extruded snacks for sustainable livelihood in West Africa-2020Other
Enhancing the value of farmed fish in GhanaAtter, A.; Ayeh, S. E.; Nketia, S.; Peget, F.; Boateng, R.; Boateng, C.; Padi, A.; Thompson, D.; Asiamah, E.; Mensah, P.; Blessie, E.; Otwey, R. Y.; Ayitey, S.; Galley, C.; Akonor, P. T.2024Other
Innovative applications of high quality cassava flourDziedzoave, N. T.; Akonor, P. T.; Tandoh-Wordey, M.2014Other
Development of innovative food products based on local agro-biodiversityAtter, A.; Buckman, E.; Blessie, E.; Nketia, S.; Padi, A.; Boateng, C.; Peget, F.; Akonor, P. T.; Quartey, Q.; Agarkwah, S.2022Other
Small fish and food security: towards innovative integration of fish in African food systems to improve nutritionAtter, A.; Owusu, M.; Ampah, J.; Andoh-Odoom, A. H.; Akonor, P. T.; Overa, R.; Kjellevold, M.; Johannes, P.; Kolding, J.2020Other
CSIR-Food Research Technologies at a glanceYakubu, M.; Nketia, S.2018Other
Mushroom technologyYakubu, M.; Nketia, S.; Tortoe, C.2019Other
Fufu flour technologyYakubu, M.; Nketia, S.; Tortoe, C.2019Other
Fruit drying technologyYakubu, M.; Nketia, S.; Tortoe, C.2019Other
Plantain wheat composite flourTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.2016Other
Reducing postharvest losses in fresh yams: practicing proper storageTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Yam sprout control: reducing yam postharvest lossesTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Yam curing: treating wounded yam tubers to reduce postharvest lossesTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Yam storageTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Mushroom cultivation using sawdust: a training hand-outNarh Mensah, D. L.; Dzomeku, M.; Takli, R. K.; Tortoe, C.; Obodai, M.2015Other
Cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms using cassava by-productsObodai, M.; Dzomeku, M.; Narh Mensah, D. L.; Takli, R. K.; Komlaga, G. A.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2014Other
Mushroom cultivation using the Juncao technology: a hand-out for farmersNarh Mensah, D. L.; Dzomeku, M.; Prempeh, J.; Takli, R. K.; Urben, A. F.; Obodai, M.2015Other
High quality yam flour: reducing post-harvest losses in fresh yamKomlaga, G. A.; Dowuona, S.; Tandoh Wordey, M.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2016Other
Cashew fruit: adding value for food securityAckah, N. B.; Buckman, E. S.; Appiah, A. H. K.; Andoh Odoom, A. H.; Atter, A.; Annan, T.; Amoo-Gyasi, M.; Sallah, D.2017Other
Fish feed storage and handling practicesAtter, A.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Oduro-Obeng, H.; Amponsah, S.; Arthur, W.; Tandoh, I.; Agyakwah, S. K.2017Other
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20