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dc.contributor.authorKomlaga, G. A.-
dc.contributor.authorTandoh-Wordey, M.-
dc.contributor.authorNketia, S.-
dc.description.abstractObibini Blackman Company Limited, a prospective agro processing company which is interested in processing cassava, yam, plantain and cocoyam into instant fufu flour and millet into Tuo zaaji for both local and international markets contacted CSIR-Food Research Institute for technical advice as how to go about setting up the processing facility as well as the technological transfer they require as a company. A preliminary meeting was held between Obibini Blackman Company Limited and CSIR-Food Research Institute after which a contract was signed between Obibini Blackman Company Limited and CSIR-FRI for FRI to conduct feasibility studies at Nkwantakese community of the Afigya-Sekyere District in the Ashanti Region. This would enable Obibini Blackman Company Limited to evaluate and ascertain the viability of the prospective project. The feasibility studies was conducted to determine the viability of a food processing facility to be located at Nkwantakese. The feasibility focused on four core areas namely: Market and Financial Feasibility, Technical Feasibility, Resource and Environmental Feasibility as well as Social and Institutional Feasibility. By identifying and understanding the above listed scope of studies, one can determine whether or not to venture into the proposed project or investment. It would give an insight into which gap needs to be filled and which area needs more attention to succeed. The CSIR-FRI team after visiting the proposed site at Nkwantakese in the Ashanti Region observed that there were generally good facilities available for siting a facility for a profitable agro processing businessen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectFeasibility studiesen_US
dc.titleFeasiblity studies for Obibini Blackman Company Limiteden_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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