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Research Articles of the CSIR-Food Research Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 563
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Agricultural biotechnology, poverty reduction and food security in GhanaYawson, R. M.2004Article
Developing a performance measurement framework to enhance the impact orientation of the Food Research Institute, GhanaYawson, R. M.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Sutherland, A. J.; Smith, D. R.; Noamesi, S. K.2006Article
A stakeholder approach to investigating public perception and attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology in GhanaYawson, R. M.; Quaye, W.; Williams, I. E.; Yawson, I.2008Article
Foods of GhanaWhitby, P.1968Article
Potential uses of sweet potato-wheat composite flour in the pastry industry based on proximate composition, physicochemical, functional, and sensory properties of four pastry productsTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Buckman, E. S.2017Article
Intraspecific competition in larvae of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) within maize grainsVowotor, K. A.; Meikle, W. G.; Ayertey, J. N.; Borgemeister, C.; Markham, R. H.1998Article
Distribution and sampling of Prostephanus truncates (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in maize stores in BeninMeikle, W. G.; Markham, R. H.; Holst, N.; Djomamou, B.; Schneider, H.; Vowotor, K. A.1998Article
Effect of maize variety and storage form on the development of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais MotschulskyVowotor, K. A.; Bosque-Perez, N. A.; Ayertey, J. N.1995Article
Distribution of and association between the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in maize storesVowotor, K. A.; Meikle, W. G.; Ayertey, J. N.; Markham, R. H.2005Article
Evaluation of the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of deep- freied crisps of two varieties of Ghanaian yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in the Accra metropolitan areaTortoe, C.; Nketia, S.; Owusu, M.; Akonor, P. T.; Hagan, L. L.2013Article
Determination of sprout control treatment using seven key yam (Dioscorea spp.) varieties of farmers in GhanaTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2015Article
Effect of curing treatments on seven key farmers’ yams (Dioscorea spp.) in GhanaTortoe, C.; Dowuona, S.; Dziedzoave, N. T.; Rees, D.2014Article
Evaluation of the physical and sensory characteristics of bread produced from three varieties of cassava and wheat composite floursEriksson, E.; Koch, K.; Tortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2014Article
Physicochemical, functional and pasting characteristics of three varieties of cassava in wheat composite floursEriksson, E.; Koch, K.; Tortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Baidoo, E. A.2014Article
Development of business capacity and organization of commercial business of farmer based organizations in the northern intervention zone in Ghana: a case study of nine farmer based organizationsTortoe, C.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.2014Article
Evaluation of the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of deep-fried yam (Dioscorea rotundata) crisps in the Accra Metropolitan AreaTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Nketia, S.; Owusu, M.; Glover-Amengor, M.; Hagan, L. L.; Otoo, E.2014Article
Assessing the sensory characteristics and consumer preferences of yam-cowpea-soybean porridge in the Accra Metropolitan AreaTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Nketia, S.; Owusu, M.; Glover-Amengor, M.; Hagan, L. L.; Padi, A.2014Article
Sensory attributes and consumer preference of precooked vacuum-packaged yam from two varieties of Ghanaian yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in the Accra Metropolitan AreaTortoe, C.; Nketia, S.; Owusu, M.; Akonor, P. T.; Dowuona, S.; Otoo, E.2014Article
Application of radial basis function network with a gaussian function of artificial neural networks in osmo-dehydration of plant materialsTortoe, C.; Orchard, J.; Beezer, A.; Tetteh, J.2011Article
Multilinear regression approach in predicting osmo-dehydration processes of apple, banana and potatoTortoe, C.; Orchard, J.; Beezer, A.2011Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 563