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Title: Development and implementation of a CMS-based website for CSIR-Food Research Institute
Authors: Bugyei, K. A.
Kavi, R. K.
Nketia, S.
Keywords: Website development;Information and communication technologies (ICTs);Research institutions
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: In today’s modern world, organizations that want to reach global audiences uses the power of internet technology to achieve their goal. Websites are the most convenient way to present and disseminate information to the maximum number of people in the world. This report describes a live project carried out towards the design, development and implementation of an official website of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Food Research Institute using Joomla, an open source web Content Management System (CMS) software to design a dynamic website. The purpose of this project was to build a dynamic and interactive CMS-based website for the CSIR-Food Research Institute. The final result was an interactive, dynamic and user friendly website which provide information to its customers, clients, partners and the world at large. The website developed is secure, reliable, flexible and cost-effective
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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