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Title: Completion report for stage two training for Kulpawn vegetable growers farmers group, Yagaba
Authors: Obodai, M.
Keywords: Training;Farmers based organizations;Farmer organizations;Ghana
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group at Yagaba in the West Mamprusi District of the Northern Region of Ghana was assigned to Food Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for MiDA Stage 2 Training. Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers' Group Based Organisation consists of 26 men and 13 women and was established in 2009. The trainers for the group were Dr (Mrs) Mary obodai (CSIR-FRI) and Mr. Mr Abukari Bawa (Agric Extension Agent, Gbimlisi). All members of Kulpawn Vegetable Farmers Group attended the training except for some absenteeism as a result of market days and funerals. The Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers' Group were interested in the training and the information on modern agriculture, whilst a few were interested in starter pack and credit facilities. The farmers' were pleased about the positive impact of the MIDA Programme because it would help them alleviate poverty and improve their livelihoods. Lessons learnt according to trainee farmers during the MiDA Stage 2 Training were the modern agriculture technologies and post harvest management with emphasis on maize, which is their commercial crop. Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers' Group did not identify any shortcomings in the MiDA Stage 2 Training. They really welcomed the training and believe it will go a long way to improve their farming activities
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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