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TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
2021 report on the smallfish projectAtter, A.; Andoh-Odoom, A.; Ampah, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Owusu, M.2022Technical Report
Anchovy powder enrichment in brown rice-based instant cereal: a process optimization study using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)Akonor, P. T.; Atter, A.; Owusu, M.; Ampah, J.; Andoh-Odoom, A.; Overa, R.; Kjellevoid, M.; Pucher, J.; Kolding, J.2021Article
Consultancy report on feasibility studies on processing facility for John and Celestine Hagan Industry, Etumbil, Central RegionTortoe, C.; Baidoo, E. A.; Ampah, J.2013Other
Drying Kinetics and Chemical Properties of MangoAmpah, J.; Dzisi, K. A.; Addo, A.; Bart- Plange, A.2023Article
Effect of drying on selected physical properties of “Asontem” cowpea varietyBart-Plange, A.; Dzisi, K. A.; Ampah, J.2012Article
Effect of moisture, bulk density and temperature on thermal conductivity of ground cocoa beans and ground sheanut kernelsBart-Plange, A.; Addo, A.; Amponsah, S. K.; Ampah, J.2012Article
Effect of rewetting on the selected physical properties of `Asontem` cowpea varietyAmpah, J.; Bart-Plange, A.; Dzisi, K. A.2012Article
Effect of variable chipping clearance and operational speed on the cassava chip geometryAhorsu, S. K.; Ofori, H.; Ampah, J.; Kumah, E. K.; Budu, M.2022Article
Fabrication and performance evaluation of a wooden cabinet dryer for value addition of fruits for micro-, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs)Tortoe, C.; Ampah, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Buckman, E. S.; Nketia, S.2023Article
Fabrication of a millet washing machineNketia, S.; Ampah, J.; Agblo, E. T.; Bempong, O,; Idun-Acquah, N. N.; Mensah, D.; Anak, L.; Kpabitey, E.2019Technical Report
Feasibility study report on plantain processing at Anum Apapam in the Eastern region of GhanaOduro-Yeboah, C.; Ampah, J.; Lartey-Brown, J.; Yeboah, B.2016Technical Report
Guidelines for the best practices of cassava processing equipment fabricationTortoe, C.; Ampah, J.; Brew- Sam, N. N.; Gyasi, L. C.; Hammah, E. K.; Hormeku, M.; Wogormebu, P.; Sackey, C.; Muschialli, E.; Yeboah, J.2024Other
Healthy Food Africa Project Report - 2021Atter, A.; Blessie, E. J.; Nketia, S.; Andoh-Odoom, A.; Nyako, J.; Owusu, M.; Akonor, P. T.; Ofori, H.; Ampah, J.; Bugyei, K. A.; Obodai, M.; Amoa-Awua, W.2021Technical Report
Performance evaluation of a centrifuge type grain cleaning machine and its effect on chemical and microbial quality of sorghum and millet grainsNketia, S.; Ampah, J.; Anyebuno, G.; Appiah, F.; Amoa-Awua, W.; Kyei-Baffour, V.; Tettey, E. A.; Bempong, O.2022Article
Performance evaluation of a chimney solar dryer for Habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq)Kumi, F.; Ampah, J.; Amoah, R. S.; Andoh-Odoom, H. A.; Kodua, M.2020Article
Quality management manual for research by-products of CSIR-Food Research Institute, Accra, GhanaKomlaga, G. A.; Teye, K. W. F.; Addo, P. A.; Ampah, J.; Baidoo, E. A.; Akonor, P. T.; Dowuona, S.; Annan, A. H.; Dalabor, P.2013Other
Reducing post-harvest losses in the food production industry in Ghana for food security: processing locally produced tomato varieties into value added tomato-based productsAsiedu, G. A.; Kyereh, E.; Wahaga, E.; Akonor, P. T.; Yakubu, M.; Annan, T.; Ampah, J.2020Technical Report
Report on cost estimation of drying cocoyam slurry per hour using the Andritz Gouda contact drum dryerIdun-Acquah, N. N.; Sampare, A. S.; Mensah, D.; Ampah, J.2017Technical Report
Report on the training of small fruit processors on value addition to fruits by drying using a gas cabinet dryer conducted at the factory premises of Quarcoo Initiatives, Madina new road, AccraTortoe, C.; Ampah, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Buckman, E. S.2016Technical Report
Report on the training of small scale fruit processors on value addition to mangoes by drying using a gas cabinet dryer, conducted at CESPIM, Tantra hills, AccraTortoe, C.; Nketia, S.; Ampah, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Buckman, E. S.2017Technical Report