Browsing by Author Kyereh, E.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Consultancy training report on aflatoxin management in grains at Damongo Department of Food and Agriculture, July 1-16, 2021Kyereh, E.; Anyebuno, G. A.; Kyei-Baffour, V.2021Other
Handbook of Nanoencapsulation Preparation, Characterization, Delivery, and Safety of Nutraceutical NanocompositesThat, L. N. F. M.; Kyereh, E.; Ansah, A. F.; Pandohee, J.2023Article
Heavy metal, microbial and pesticides residue contaminations are limiting the potential consumption of green leafy vegetables in Ghana: an overviewAtitsogbey, P.; Kyereh, E.; Ofori, H.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Steiner-Asiedu, M.2023Article
Incidences of aflatoxin contaminations in ingredients, feed and products of poultry from two regions in GhanaNsiah, B.; Ofori, H.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Kyereh, E.; Johnson, P-N. T.2023Article
Reducing post-harvest losses in the food production industry in Ghana for food security: processing locally produced tomato varieties into value added tomato-based productsAsiedu, G. A.; Kyereh, E.; Wahaga, E.; Akonor, P. T.; Yakubu, M.; Annan, T.; Ampah, J.2020Technical Report
Report of training on processing of aflatoxins free peanut paste organised for business start-ups at CSIR-Food Research Institute, Accra, GhanaOfori, H.; Anyebuno, G. A.; Najah, T.; Kyereh, E.; Buckman, E.; Narh, D.2021Technical Report
Review of the recent developments in metabolomics-based phytochemical researchPandohee, J.; Kyereh, E.; Kulshrestha, S.; Xu, B.; Mahomoodally, M. F.2021Article
Technical report on a 2-day food fair organized by the CSIR-Food Research Institute in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsOduro-Yeboah, C.; Kyereh, E.; Nyako, J.; Anane, V.; Ansah, F.; Buckman, E.; Najah, T.; Amegah, C.; Nyako, J.; Adusah, A.2022Technical Report
Viability of Lactobacillus plantarum NCIMB 8826 immobilized in a cereal-legume complementary food “weanimix” with simulated gastrointestinal conditionsKyereh, E.; Sathivel, S.2021Article