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Title: Handbook of Nanoencapsulation Preparation, Characterization, Delivery, and Safety of Nutraceutical Nanocomposites
Authors: That, L. N. F. M.
Kyereh, E.
Ansah, A. F.
Pandohee, J.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Tailor and Francis Group
Abstract: Nutraceutical encapsulation envelopes protection of products from oxidative damage, controlled delivery of nanoencapsulated nutraceuticals and improved nutraceutical bioavailability as well as biological action. It is a promising technique to ensure the stabilization of such labile compounds and to protect the core ingredients from premature reactions and interactions In a comprehensive manner, the Handbook of Nanoencapsulation: Preparation, Characterization, Delivery and Safety of Nutraceutical Nanocomposites presents various nanosystems/nanocarriers, physical and chemical techniques used in encapsulation of various nutraceuticals, and the targeted delivery of various significant nutraceuticals. This book bridges the gap between academia and research as it encompasses the ubiquitous applications of nanoencapsulation technique used on significant nutraceuticals derived from plants, animals as well as microalgae. Key Features: Provides a quick and easy access to major plant, animal and microalgae derived nutraceutical ingredients Discusses nanoencapsulation techniques for protection and targeted release of various food bioactive ingredients Covers safety, bioaccessibility and multiple applications of nanoencapsulated nutraceuticals in the food industry Unveiling pivotal aspects of nanoencapsulation of significant nutraceuticals, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, food toxicologists, food scientists, nutritionists, and scientists in medicinal research.
Description: Article
Journal Name: CRC Press
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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