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Title: Potentiality assessment of microbial action on combined agri-food industrial wastes in amino acids catabolism
Authors: Tuly, J. A.
Ma, H.
Zabed, H. M.
Quaisie, J.
Godana, E. A.
Chen, G.
Ekumah, J. N.
Keywords: Amino acids;volatile compounds;chemical reactivity;catabolism;correlation
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: In accordance with specific amino acid (AA) requirements for livestock, consideration must be given to energy intake and expenditures while selecting an efficient and productive flock. In this study to provide balanced nutrition to livestock, two conventional feed ingredients chicken feathers (CFP) and soybean by-products (okara) were mixed and incubated for microbial solid-state fermentation (SSF) using a Bacillus mutant strain (LU11). Individual CFP and okara were treated with LU11, and composite substrates without inoculum (henceforth, CFP11, okara11, and mixed C, respectively) from SSF were also evaluated for comparison purposes. The total essential AA content of mixed11, mixed C, Okara11, and CFP11 was determined to be 28.74%, 23.62%, 7.61%, and 17.48%, respectively. Important AA for feed, methionine was found to increase in CFP11 by 0.62%, okara11 by 0.32%, the control by 0.69%, and mixed11 by 1.09%. Sulfur-containing amino acid (SCAA) cysteine contents in CFP11 and okara11 were 9.26% and 0.13%, respectively, which reduced to 6.14% in mixed C and Mixed11 which showed 7.04%. GC–MS analysis revealed that LU11 effectively reduces malodorous chemicals, demonstrating the removal of hazardous nitrogen from amino acid molecules. AA catabolism to volatile compounds and their correlation were also shown in this study. Consequently, mixed11 demonstrated more persuasive results than the other samples. In summary, with its balanced amino acids and minimal volatile components, the mixed11 might be regarded as a suitable feed for livestock
Description: Research Article
Journal Name: Journal of Functional foods
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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