Food Research Institute : [81] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Modification of Ahotor and chorkor smoking ovensKwarteng, E.; Atter, A.; Nketia, S.; Akonor, P. T.; Nunoo, F. K. E.2022Other
Guidelines for the best practices of cassava processing equipment fabricationTortoe, C.; Ampah, J.; Brew- Sam, N. N.; Gyasi, L. C.; Hammah, E. K.; Hormeku, M.; Wogormebu, P.; Sackey, C.; Muschialli, E.; Yeboah, J.2024Other
Manual for fruits juice and jam processingArthur, W.; Dowuona, J.; Akonor, P. T.; Najah, T.2021Other
Training manual on extruded cereal (maize and millet) snacksIdun-Acquah, N. N.; Baffour Gyasi, L. C.; Mensah, D.; Najah, T.; Dogbey, E.2021Other
Training manual on cocoa bean processing and chocolate productionKongor, J. E.; Owusu, M.; Tawiah, E.; Najah, T.2021Other
Training manual for the production of sorghum maltKomlaga, G. A.; Dowuona, S.; Mireku Essel, E.2018Other
Quality management training manual on selected cassava products for Josma agro industries limited, GhanaKomlaga, G. A.; Kongor, J. E.; Dziedzoave, N. T.2020Other
User manual for FRI online analytical services trackingBugyei, K. A.; Kavi, R. K.2020Other
Training manual on soymilk and tofu productionPeget, F.; Asiamah, E.; Najah, T.2021Other
Manual on the utilization of orange-fleshed sweet potato for processors and value chain actorsKongor, J. E.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.; Nketia, S.; Padi, A.2021Other
Training manual for convenient yam balls preparationBuckman, E. S.; Asiamah, E.; Peget, F.; Padi, A.; Boateng, C.2020Other
Cowpea waffle making manualBuckman, E. S.; Mboom, F. P.; Boateng, C.; Padi, A.; Asiamah, E.2018Other
Manual for chicken chips preparationBuckman, E. S.; Asiamah, E.; Peget, F.; Boateng, C.; Padi, A.2020Other
Training manual for fruit dryingIdun-Acquah, N. N.; Baffour Gyasi, L. K.; Mensah, D.; Najah, T.; Dowuona, S.2021Other
Training manual for improved sun drying of small fish and development of small fish based food productsAtter, A.; Owusu, M.; Ampah, J.; Andoh-Odoom, A.; Akonor, P. T.; Peget, F.; Padi, A.; Overa, R.; Kolding, J.; Kjellevold, M.; Pucher, J.2021Other
Cassava processing into improved gari and agbelima flour for export marketsTortoe, C.; Nketia, S.; Yakubu, M.2019Other
Shea butter processing training manualYakubu, M.; Tortoe, C.; Nketia, S.; Mboom, F. P.2018Other
User manual for drying equipmentIdun-Acquah, N. N.; Mensah, D.; Baffour, C. L.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2017Other
Yam and water yam composite flour, processing and recipes preparation manualTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Padi, A.; Buckman, E. S.; Boateng, C.; Agbezudor, J.; Ofori, E.; Addy, P.; Dawson, A. E.2016Other
Quality manual for production & primary processing of cocoaAmoa-Awua, W. K.; Madsen, M.; Takrama, J.; Olaiya, A.; Ban-Koffi, L.; Jakobsen, M.2007Other
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81