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Research Articles of the CSIR-Food Research Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 566
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
A practical approach to water sorption isotherms and the basis for the determination of optimum moisture levels of dehydrated foodsCaurie, M.1971Article
A single layer moisture absorption theory as a basis for the stability and availability of moisture in dehydrated foodsCaurie, M.1971Article
A new model equation for predicting safe storage moisture levels for optimum stability of dehydrated foodsCaurie, M.1970Article
Physicochemical and elemental analyses of banana composite flour for infantsTwum, L. A.; Kottoh, I. D.; Asare, I. K.; Torgby-Tetteh, W.; Buckman, E. S.; Adu-Gyamfi, A.2015Article
Effects of sodium metabisulphite and blanching pretreatments on the quality characteristics of yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) flourBuckman, E. S.; Plahar, W. A.; Oduro, I. N.; Carey, E. E.2015Article
Problems in achieving good quality in our food industryBonsu, L. A.; Dei-Tutu, J.1974Article
Studies on the storage of iced mackerel (Scomber japonicus): effect of delayed icing on the storage lifeBonsu, L. A.; Sutcliffe, P. J.1979Article
Studies on the storage of iced mackerel (Scomber japonicus): quality changes during storageBonsu, L. A.; Sutcliffe, P. J.1979Article
Design and construction of walk-in hot air cabinet dryer for the food industryBlay, D.1991Article
Techno-economic guide for the establishment of a groundnut paste production plantBlay, D.; Allotey, L. D.1991Article
Quality characteristics of pre-treated yam chips produced from irradiated yamsAgyei-Amponsah, J.; Owureku-Asare, M.; Agbemavor, W. S. K.; Armah, J.; Okyere, A.; Baidoo, E. A.; Dowuona, S.; Tortoe, C.2014Article
Effect of pre-treatment and storage condition on the physicochemical properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott) flourBaidoo, E. A.; Akonor, P. T.; Tortoe, C.2014Article
Influence of pretreatments and storage conditions of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schoot) on functional properties of its floursBaidoo, E. A.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Budu, A. S.2010Article
Prevalence of foodborne pathogens in food from selected African countries: a meta-analysisPaudyal, N.; Anihouvi, V.; Hounhouigan, J.; Matsheka, M. I.; Sekwati-Monang, B.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.; Atter, A.; Ackah, N. B.; Mbugua, S.; Asagbra, A.; Abdelgadir, W.; Nakavuma, J.; Jakobsen, M.; Fang, W.2017Article
Safety of a street vended traditional maize beverage, ice-kenkey, in GhanaAtter, A.; Ofori, H.; Anyebuno, G. A. A.; Amoo-Gyasi, M.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.2015Article
The effectiveness of water, salt and vinegar in reducing the bacteria population in fresh green cabbageAtter, A.; Amewowor, D.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.2014Article
Microbiological and chemical processes associated with the production of burukutu a traditional beer in GhanaAtter, A.; Obiri-Danso, K.; Amoa-Awua, W. K.2014Article
Monitoring of microbiology laboratory working environmentAtikpo, M. O.; Asiedu, D. K.; Baisel, D. K.2011Article
Evaluation of disinfectant for microbial decontamination of the microbiology laboratory floor by an in-use testAtikpo, M. O.; Asiedu, D. K.; Baisel, D. K.2011Article
Stabilization and utilization of seafood processing waste as a slow release nitrogenous fertilizer for production of cabbage in Florida, USA and mushroom in Ghana, AfricaOnokpise, O.; Abazinge, M.; Atikpo, M. O.; Baptiste, J. J.; Louime, C.; Uckelmann, H.; Awumbilla, B.2008Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 566